Monolog Comic : RABBIT IN THE MOON

Monolog Comic: Narrative Text

Narrative Text : 

The narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story in that past tense. It is a story with complications or problematic events and it tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems. 

Generic Structure of Narrative Text:

Generic structure of narrative text usually has three components: orientation, complication, and resolution. 
1. Orientation: is placed in the first part which tells about characters, place, and time (setting).
2. Complication: tells about how the conflict is happening in the story.
3. Resolution: shows the solution of the problem.


Name of Group 4:

1. Isih Soleh Riyadi (201932021)

2. Falikh Fadila Arisada (201932026)

3. Alfi Risqi W (201932026)

4. Novia Wulandari (201932037)

5. Ivan Cung (201932059)
